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Monali Dental Clinic

Teeth Cleaning and Whitening

Teeth Cleaning and Whitening in Bhopal

Having yellow and discolored teeth can be a matter of great embarrassment and can make you feel less confident about your smile. Teeth Whitening is a fabulous solution for lightening the color of your teeth and brightening your smile. We recognize our patient’s needs and thus provide a complete teeth whitening solution here in Gurgaon. This treatment starts from in-clinic sessions to even teeth whitening at the comfort of your home, our solutions are customized as per your needs for your smile.

Teeth whitening is the process of removing stains from the tooth surface and restoring the natural color of the teeth. It is a one-time procedure and is amongst the most common and widely adopted cosmetic procedures. With the advent of the latest Dental technology, contact us today for advanced teeth whitening treatment procedures in Bhopal which give reliable and long-lasting results.

Expert Talk

Dr. Monali Bajaj Gupta talking about Teeth Cleaning and Whitening

Your teeth can either be stained on the visible surface if you are an avid smoker and drink an excessive amount of tea, red wine, coffee, etc. Teeth whitening is not a single time procedure and requires repetition, for maintaining a radiant, and attractive smile. It also depends on the patient’s dedication to what level he will look after for his teeth to make the whitening of teeth last longer.


Frequently asked questions

 In most of the cases, the dental implants are made up of titanium element which makes it biocompatible with the structures present in the area of the missing tooth. The element does not react with the respective bone as well as gums. This ensures that the patients do not have to face any reactions after the placement of the dental implants in the respective areas.

The comeback of the natural tooth look with the placement of the dental implants is one of the popular benefits of tooth implants among the patients. Most of the individuals start losing confidence to talk, smile and laugh at the lose of the teeth. With the help of the dental implants, one’s confidence is revived in no time. The crowns placed over the dental implants add to the beauty of the respective implant. Also, the smile and entire oral health are improved even after the loss of the natural teeth.

Most of the dental patients fear that the procedure of the dental implants is quite painful. But this is not right. Implant procedures are done after the respective missing tooth area, and the surrounding structures are adequately anesthetized. It ensures that the patient does not feel any pain at the time of the procedure. After the completion of the procedure, the patient might feel some discomfort. But this discomfort is temporary, and with the consumption of prescribed medications, the patient will be fine

The untimely loss of the teeth can lead to the various difficulties to the respective individuals. This restricts them to a particular type of eating menu and schedule. If a patient with missing teeth undergoes with dental implants, then it becomes much easier for them to eat and chew any food. It is one of the significant benefits of tooth implants on which patients usually focus on right after the extraction of the teeth.massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes